Geofences can be created and used to ensure employees are either warned or enforced to save a clocking event within a predefined address.
Note: Confirm Geofences are part of your BundyPlus subscription plan.
If you have not done so, please enable this feature using this guide.
Create a Geofence
- Go to Settings
- Click on Geofences
- Click on Add Geofence (Top right)
Edit the fields here:
- Name - Name of the Geofence (Location) you want to create (eg. Site 1, Site 2 etc)
- Address - Start typing the address of the geofence (This will autofill the Longitude and Latitude fields)
- Radius - This will create a radius around the Address. Default setting is 500m
A larger radius will account for older mobile device GPS' that aren't as accurate when saving GPS coordinates.
- Click Save