Important Note: First Disconnect every network connection to your end device (Computer/Laptop etc)
To change the settings in the WiFi adaptor you will need to connect it to a PC/Laptop via the LAN Ethernet cable.
The computer needs to be configured to obtain it’s IP address automatically (DHCP) – this is normally the
case, but check your network settings.
The WiFi Adaptor get its IP address from the DHCP server in the WiFi adaptor.
Connect the WiFi adaptor to the computer via the LAN Ethernet cable.
You can power the WiFi adaptor via the USB connector (supplied – this only provides power to the WiFi
adaptor) or the power supply from the time clock, use whichever is more convenient.
- Once it is connected, Open your Web Browser (Chrome/Internet Explorer/Firefox)
- Type in the address bar and press Enter
- Type in the login details and Log in:
Username: admin
Password: admin - Click Wifi Repeater
- Click Disable Hotspot.
- Click Apply – this disables the WiFi Repeater.
- Click Scan Hotspots
- Click on the WiFi network you wish to connect to
- Click Next
- The Pass Phrase screen will now be displayed.
- Enter the Pass Phrase for the network and then un-check “The repeater parameter and the hotspot synchronization”.
- Click Apply
- Click System Settings
- Click on the Restart button.
- The WiFi adaptor will now restart.
- Plug the adaptor into your Bundy Clock