Exporting clocking events using this method allows you to generate a list of clocking events for each employee based on a specified date range.
Viewing the list of Clocking Events
- Click on Reports
- Click on Clocking Transactions
- Change the date range accordingly:
Exporting your file
- Click on Export Reports
- Select the type of export you require in the side panel:
BundyPlus format (Transactions.csv) - Raw file generally used within a BundyPlus environment in CSV format.
BundyPlus format (Transactions.txt) - Raw file generally used within a BundyPlus environment in TXT format.
Generic format (Transactions.csv) - Raw file that is readable with use for any external purpose in CSV format.
Generic format (Transactions.txt) - Raw file that is readable with use for any external purpose in TXT format.
Custom format (Transactions.xlsx) - Raw XLSX file - Click Create Report
- Your file will be generated for download in the list below (As pictured)
- Click on the Green button or the File name to download to your local downloads folder.