We recommend that you clean the biometric finger scanner sensor as frequent as possible due to COVID-19 to ensure your workplace can be as COVID-Safe as possible.
Turn the clock off and remove the Electrical power.
- Use Methylated spirits or any type of household kitchen/window cleaner such as Windex or any generic versions of these cleaners.
- Wet one end of a cotton swab (not soaking or dripping wet) with one of the recommended cleaners.
- Gently rub the sensor surface and finger drive ring with the wet cotton swab, slowly rotating the swab so the new clean surface of the swab is constantly exposed to the sensor surface.
- After cleaning with the damp swab, gently rub the surfaces again with a dry cotton swab.
- Use a clean swab each time the sensor is cleaned.
- DO NOT Use chlorine-based cleaners (Clorox/bleach/non-chlorine bleach/chlorine-based bathroom/mildew cleaners)
Chlorine-based cleaners will not necessarily affect the functionality of the finger senor, but they will discolour the finger drive ring and could damage the surrounding circuitry around the fingerprint sensor. - DO NOT use any solvents (eg. acetone/MEK/TCE/paint thinner/turpentine etc)
Solvents will not adversely affect the sensor, but they might damage the surrounding enclosure and peripheral components to the sensor. - DO NOT allow cleaner to drip or run down into the electronics of the sensor and clock.
(If a dirty swab is used, it may make the sensor dirty again)